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FCIWYPSC: Now much warmer March 4, 2012

Posted by mareserinitatis in Fargo, geology.
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Posting is going to be (and has been sporadic) because I’m traveling right now.  As you may have guessed, I’m a much more southerly part of the US.  Tucson, to be specific.  It’s been about a decade since I’ve been in this neck of the woods, and I have to admit that being here again has made me realize how much I don’t miss it.

For starters, it was about 70 degrees warmer here than in Fargo.  Blech.  We finally got a decent amount of snow up in Fargo, and I have to spend the week wallowing in the heat while the most opportune time for some skiing this winter melts away.  (I know it’s amazing, but some people really do like snow.)  I have also realized that I simply can’t handle heat due to my acclimation to northern climates…especially leaving in the cold to someplace unseasonably warm.

I can also tell I belong on the plains because I really notice when there isn’t any grass.  I’m in a desert, so there’s lots of plant life, but there’s no grass.  Six foot tall grass is fine.  Six foot tall bushes and cacti…not so much.  It just feels wrong.  I find this odd, though, as one of my favorite activities when living in California was to go camping and stargazing at Joshua Tree.  I guess it’s been so long that it’s hard to think about now.

The up side to being here is that I really do enjoy the view of mountains, and I’m hoping to get a chance to go out at least once and check out the view.  As we were flying in, the geologist in me was doing flips at seeing layers in the mountainsides.

So…any suggestions of things I should do or see while I’m here (other than sit at the conference)?  Short duration activities are preferred.


1. nicoleandmaggie - March 4, 2012

Hm… when we went we spent the entire time at the resort where the conference was (with its rock-bottom off-season prices). That was pretty awesome… we fed the koi, hiked (at 6am), sat around the pool, did a tour of the restaurant facilities, etc.

mareserinitatis - March 5, 2012

Aw…not at a resort. But that does sound lovely. Any ideas for hiking? I’ve heard Sabino Canyon is nice.

2. GMP - March 4, 2012

I miss Arizona… :(
I can’t get used to the snow.

mareserinitatis - March 5, 2012

You should move to Fargo. We hardly had any all year. :-P

It’s hard to get used to something different. I think I finally got used to California about the time I left, and within a year of being back in ND, was quite content with it. (That first year was hard, though, getting used to the cold again.)


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