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It’s my birthday, and I’ll post if I want to… August 14, 2012

Posted by mareserinitatis in food/cooking, personal.
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It’s not my birthday today.  I didn’t post on my birthday.  But I thought I should mention it since that was one of the reasons posting has been light.  I always like when my birthday shows up because I get to tell people all the famous people who share my birthday and watch as they look confused.  I think it’s quite possibly the slowest day for celeb birthdays all year.

I also forgot about another milestone: I’ve been at this new spot on wordpress for over two years now.  My second ‘blogiversary’ was July 1st.  It’s kind of scary to think it was over 8 years ago that I signed up on LJ and have been putting crap on the internet ever since.  (Actually, if you check the way-back machine, you can find the web page I put up in 1994.  Yeah, I’ve been putting crap on the World Wide Web since 1994.  Remember when we had web pages and not profiles?  Just saying that makes me feel old.)

And mostly I wanted to let people know I’m still alive.  I’ve been spending a lot of time researching gluten-free diets and am attempting to change some eating habits.  I’ve managed to have small bits of fruit here and there, so fructose may be safe for me.  Dairy still gives me fits if I don’t take lactase with it.  And I have already discovered that one food I ate quite often and assumed to be perfectly safe was, in fact, very bad for me.  (Who puts gluten in sausage?!)  Our waffle Sunday breakfast menu will have some new items in the coming weeks.

I will have more productive things to say in the coming days, especially with the beginning of the semester.  In the meantime, how was your weekend?


1. karifur - August 14, 2012

It makes sense that sausage would have gluten in it, because it is an excellent binding agent from what I hear.
BTW, I believe that Xtreme Pizza kitchen has a gluten-free pizza crust available on request.

mareserinitatis - August 14, 2012

What’s strange is that it’s the Hormel little sizzlers maple flavor. Original flavor is fine, apparently, so it has something to do with the maple flavoring. I did a complete facepalm because we’ve been having that every Sunday morning as long as I can remember.

A friend found a newsletter for the FM Gluten Intolerance Group (http://www.gluten.net/local-branches/north-dakota/fargo/moorhead/default.aspx), and they have a whole list of restaurants. There are a lot of pizza places that do gluten-free crusts, which really surprised me!


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