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Happy Birthday, Gigadog! February 2, 2013

Posted by mareserinitatis in pets, photography.
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Gigadog, aka Her Royal Fuzziness, had her second birthday this past week.  Sadly, the pet store discontinued the carob and peanut butter cakes so she had to settle for yogurt-frosting oatmeal cookies with red sprinkles.

Since I know you’re dying to see what two-year old Gigadog looks like, here she is, snuggling with Macrocat:

Gigadog snuggles Macrocat

Gigadog snuggles Macrocat


1. Doug LeQuire - February 2, 2013

Awwww……cute! (Just not quite as cute as my Golden Retriever, Joey…….but I’m biased).

Anyway,……Happy Birthday, Gigadog…..and many more!


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