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Wordless Wednesday: Good idea! April 16, 2014

Posted by mareserinitatis in photography.
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Florida or bust February 18, 2013

Posted by mareserinitatis in engineering, research.
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After my lamentation that I had nothing to write about, I realized I was actually wrong.  This week, I have to write up an abstract for a talk I was invited to give at one of the primary conferences in my field.  Amazingly, I’ve never been to the conference.  This is because the conference is always held in Orlando, and on top of the fact that I don’t tend to go to a lot of conferences, this one is particularly expensive.  I consider it every year and decide against it despite the fact that I’ve never been to that part of the country before.

However, I was invited this time.  Or I should say, both Mike and I were invited.  The project was mine, however, so I get to be the unlucky one to give the talk.  I’m not one that relishes giving talks.  Teaching is fine, but it’s a whole different ball of wax to give talks in front of peers.  I know I can’t be the only one that feels this way.

The up side is that the Minion will hopefully be there, and there are apparently plans afoot to hit Harry Potter World.  I may get to accompany him so that he doesn’t look like a creeper around all the kids.  Is it horrible to admit that might be more fun than a conference?


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