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The silver lining August 22, 2011

Posted by mareserinitatis in family, teaching.
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It’s the first day of school, and I’ve already seen the NDSU shuttle moving around campus.  Classes don’t start until this afternoon here, and the local elementary and high schools start at various points later in the week.  Unless, of course, you go across the river to Minnesota, where they start the day after Labor Day.

I really don’t like it when school starts.  Primarily, I don’t like dealing with homework for the kids.  The older one doesn’t like to do homework, which means I have to nag remind him, which also means he doesn’t do it until I get home.  The younger one has typically been in daycare during the afternoons, so that means he doesn’t do his until I get home (with him).  In either case, this means I spend evenings helping kids with homework while Mike is trying to do housework (or vice versa).

I’m changing my schedule so that we can get this stuff done earlier in the day and kids (and myself) get to bed at a reasonable time.  In that way, I’m glad that school is starting.  While there’s no homework in summer, there is a bit of difficulty keeping a schedule…especially when the sun is coming up around 5 a.m. and not going down until nearly 10 p.m.  I think being on a schedule keeps life a bit more in balance and helps with productivity.  On the other hand, I hate having every moment of my life down on a calendar, which is what I have to do to keep track of my own activities as well as that of three other people and a few fuzzy creatures.

Another event of mixed happiness and sadness is that we’ll be returning PicoPig this week.  While I really think she’s cute and wonderful, I also discovered that I have a serious allergy to timothy hay.  I’ll be glad not to have to do any more cage cleaning, but I’ll miss her burbling and, especially, her purring trill when I pet her.


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