homonymic abbreviations November 29, 2010
Posted by mareserinitatis in electromagnetics, papers.Tags: antennas, receive, transmit, ultra-wide band
Also known as HA!
I am currently reading a paper on characterization of ultra-wideband antennas. I am amused by this paper because the authors of this particular paper have chosen to not use the words transmit and receive. Instead, they refer to the transmit and receive antennas using abbreviations.
Transmit = TX
Receive = RX
And yet, every time I see those abbreviations, I keep wondering why they’re talking about Texas and prescription medication.
Oh yes, and UWB (ultra-wideband) is the University of Washington, Bothell.
In the early years of the web, when I’d give out my e-mail address with a .ca ending, people (OK, Americans) would ask me if I’m from California. Amusing.
I am sad to admit having made that mistake myself.
Reminds of the “probability distribution function” in statistics, which is of course, PDF. I kept thinking, why are we talking about a PDF again? Oh right it’s a function.
I would probably think the same thing.
I just found another one: FB – should be front to back (as in the front to back ratio), but I keep reading it as Facebook.