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Keep your eyes to yourself October 10, 2011

Posted by mareserinitatis in feminism.

Those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook probably heard my story today about my conversation with someone I’ve worked with intermittently.  We haven’t talked a whole lot before, and this was our first non-work related chat, but it basically devolved into him watching my chest the entire time.

The commentary on how to handle it gave me a good laugh.  However, it got me curious: how do MEN handle it when they see other men engaging in this behavior?  Do they call them on it? Step in between the two parties?  What?  Or do they do anything at all?

In the case today, my husband was present but said he wasn’t completely sure that was what was happening until I told him after the fact.

But what if you have a pretty good idea of what’s going on?  Would you do anything, and if so, what?






1. Why women don't go into engineering | Engineer Blogs - October 27, 2011

[...] tell you, to begin with, that despite my lack of hotness, I get ogled way more than I like.  (See here, as a very recent example, and here for an older one.  Guess I never realized my propensity for [...]

2. The runners « FCIWYPSC - November 28, 2011

[...] how to interact with women colleagues.  It’s bad enough having a conversation with someone who stares at your chest…but it’s not much better when they refuse to look anywhere near you.  You wonder if [...]

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