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Old-fashioned tech November 12, 2011

Posted by mareserinitatis in writing.
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Inspired by Massimo who was inspired by Cath.


1. Charles J Gervasi - November 12, 2011

My handwriting is much much worse.

mareserinitatis - November 12, 2011

That’s what Mike said, too. :-) I think it’s a girl thing.

2. FrauTech - November 13, 2011

My handwriting is frequently mistaken for all the other dudes around me. I think they expect me to “write like a girl” instead I picked up the engineering habit of writing in all caps because any other way is illegible. Even my father and husband criticize my handwriting :(

mareserinitatis - November 14, 2011

As a kid, I had horrible handwriting. When I was about 9 or 10, someone gave me a calligraphy kit. I was really into art and drawing, so I started working on it, and it did huge things for my handwriting. I found out later that was the intent. :-) On the other hand, almost all the girls I went to school with at that age had pretty flowery handwriting. I wonder how they write now. (I suspect we all get in a hurry at some point and give up on nice penmanship…)

3. Massimo - November 18, 2011

Ooohh…. this looks really neat !

4. random - May 29, 2013

wow and i thought i was neat


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