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It’s working! Bwahahaha! July 18, 2012

Posted by mareserinitatis in computers, grad school, research.
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I really try not to let myself post too many blog posts when I’m overly tired.  Usually this results in a post that is only semi-coherent and riddled with grammatical and spelling errors.  (The other day on Facebook, I intended to write “more likely” but it came out “morely like”…which is a sure sign of sleep deprivation.)

However, I’m rather excited that after months of trying to deal with my bad programming, the compiler not being overly friendly with my code, and some sort of conspiracy between my compiler and the communications protocol on one of the computer clusters, I am running some code for real now.  (Not just in debug mode!)

To celebrate, I am going to sleep as soon as I’m done with this post.  I sure now how to live it up, don’t I?

(Official notice: spelling and grammatical errors have not been approved by this poster but will likely show up anyway.  Especially wierd ones.)


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