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The moment you’ve all been waiting for… February 21, 2014

Posted by mareserinitatis in engineering, feminism.

Before I make a small announcement, I’m going to provide a wonderful piece of advice.  If you plan to marry an engineer, add a whiteboard and some markers to the registry.  You’ll need them in case you ever have an argument with your soon to be spouse.

Now that that’s out of the way (and you’ve waited for a moment, so that the title of this post is appropriate…although I have to admit waiting much longer than that), I wanted to thank the folks at Engineering Commons for inviting me as a guest on their podcast.  I discussed the issue of women in engineering (among several other things), and it was quite a bit of fun.  If you’d like to listen, you can find it here: http://theengineeringcommons.com/episode-49-women-in-engineering/

Please let me know what you have any thoughts on the conversation!


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