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The norovirus diet April 26, 2014

Posted by mareserinitatis in personal.

A few years ago, rotavirus became a bad word in our house. The younger son was a baby and caught it daycare. Being the sharing kind, he gave it to the rest of us, and we all got very sick. In fact, Mike ended up in the hospital for a couple days.

This week, we got acquainted with rotavirus’ cousin, norovirus. They’re amazingly alike, except that norovirus is even more pestilent. Mike got to go to the hospital again after passing out. Fortunately, it was a short visit and they booted him after making sure he was sufficiently hydrated.

We’ve spent the last couple days enjoying foods that are usually not allowed in the house: Gatorade, lemon-lime soda, jello, and store-bought bread (gluten-free). It amazes me that I can eat junk food like that and lose five pounds overnight. To be honest, though, I was okay with my pre-virus weight…and I certainly enjoyed the diet more.


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