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Waiting for the answer November 15, 2011

Posted by mareserinitatis in papers, research.
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I hate waiting on paper submissions.  Makes me insane.  You spend all this time hustling to get the paper out and then *bang!*, things settle down a bit and you wait.

Unless there’s another deadline right behind the first, I can’t necessarily make myself go into hyperfocus on a project.  That means I’m waiting while my mind has the ability to wander…and wonder.  I ponder what I did right and wrong, what things will the reviewers pick up on that I missed, etc.

I know some people feel better about getting the paper off.  Once it’s out of sight, it’s roughly out of mind.  I think it’s a much better approach to focus on that which you can control…but I can’t say I’m terribly good at it.

And in the meantime, I still have a week and a half to go.

How about you?


1. GMP - November 15, 2011

I am like that too — I constantly go and check manuscript status. At present I have 5 in review, and I check on each one of them fairly often. That’s lots of wasted time. But I do allow myself a couple of days to feel like a deflated balloon after I hit “submit” and just waste some time.

What helps me is focusing on the next important thing — a proposal, another paper. Now that my workload is borderline insane, there is always the next big thing waiting around the corner, so I am better at letting go (temporarily) of a manuscript under review than when I was a grad student.

Also, I have accepted that this is part of my slightly (or not so slightly) obsessive nature that brings many other benefits.

mareserinitatis - November 15, 2011

Glad to know I’m not the only one with this particular neurosis. :-) Definitely have other things to work on…but I keep peeking, even though I’m guessing it won’t be ready early.

2. Anthea - November 16, 2011

I don’t check the status since I find it too stressful. Once it’s been sent, it’s been sent and I don’t want to think about it anymore. I try to hit that niggling feeling in the back of my head by concentrating on the next piece of work sitting in front of me.


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