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Math illiteracy at the bank September 29, 2013

Posted by mareserinitatis in family, math.
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The older son received a check, and we went to the bank to cash it. He was supposed to put half in savings and keep the rest for spending money. The check was for $53.50.

When we got to the window, Mike told the teller that half should go into savings and the rest should come back as cash. We were in our car, so said that $26.75 needed to go into savings, but he didn’t pass that info to the teller. After a minute, she asked if we wanted the $.50 back as cash. I could only roll my eyes because I knew what had happened.

The teller had deposited $26 into savings and returned $27.50 as cash. Apparently it was a bit too intimidating to take that $1.50 difference and divide it in half. We just took it and left because it wasn’t worth getting upset about it. However, I told Mike that he needs to stop overestimating people’s math skills…even if the person is a bank teller.


1. hivelordlusa - September 29, 2013

Ah, banks. I’m very happy that the banks here in Aus seem somewhat easier to deal with than the stories I hear about American ones.
Though online banking is great. I just wish I could more easily deposit money…

mareserinitatis - September 30, 2013

Don’t we all. ;-)


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