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OMG, it’s August! August 2, 2010

Posted by mareserinitatis in career, family, grad school.
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Yesterday was, sadly, the first day of August. I’m feeling a stirring of panic coming on. I have set a goal to pick a dissertation topic by the end of the month. I will have it done, but I’m trying to make up time lost on an unexpected move and a huge time suck at work. July disappeared far more quickly than I expected, and it wasn’t as a result of anything I did.

I also have a book chapter to write for an open source publisher. When I agreed to it, September seemed so far away. Now…it doesn’t.

The older boy will be starting school in 3 weeks rather than after Labor Day. School starts about 1 1/2 weeks before Labor Day in North Dakota, while it starts the day after Labor Day in Minnesota. I actually prefer how North Dakota does things as they also let out before Memorial Day while Minnesota schools go into early June. Yuck.

Admittedly, the older boy is only going to school part-time. I have figured out what we’ll be doing for curriculum at home (and he seems halfway excited about it), but I dread the discussion I will be having with school administrators in a couple weeks.

On the up side, I will not be going back to Minneapolis (much to everyone’s relief, save the older boy) nor will I suddenly have the shock of being back in classes or TAing…for the first time in a very long time. I will still have 3 months to muck about in my yard, I will get to keep working at my current job (which I enjoy 95% of the time and which uses far more of my technical skills than TAing), and there will only be intermittent trips to Minneapolis rather than having to make a trip 2-3 times per month. Those things make August seem far less intimidating.


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