Looking at logo July 18, 2013
Posted by mareserinitatis in computers, younger son.Tags: computers, logo, programming, younger son
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A few weeks ago, the younger son asked me what I was doing. I told him I was doing some research.
“But what are you doing?”
Fair enough. I told him I was writing a computer program, so he asked how someone does that. At that point, I was doing something in Fortran, so I wrote up a simple Hello World program and ran it. This program, however, said, “Hello, younger son.”
Since that point, he’s been asking me to teach him how to program. I suspect this comes from the fact that he’s very interested in Minecraft and wants to learn how to create mods. Unfortunately, I don’t know the first thing about that particular activity.
As you saw from my list the other day, I know several languages and software packages, but I figured most of them were not going to be terribly fascinating to a little boy whose age is still in the single digits.
Except, maybe logo.
I talked things over with Mike, and he thought logo would be good, as well, given it uses some of the math the younger son is learning and can be used to draw things.
Some folks at Berkeley have a nice (free!) logo interpreter along with some manuals on how to program in logo. I appreciate the manuals as it’s been a very long time since I’ve looked at anything pertaining to the language. I’m probably going to have to relearn everything, but I figure this will be fine as it’s something the younger boy and I can do together. I’m looking forward to it despite the fact that this probably isn’t a typical mother-son bonding activity.
I’m official! March 30, 2013
Posted by mareserinitatis in work.Tags: business cards, logo
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Due to some of the quirks of my employment status, I finally got some business cards this past week. I’m rather excited as this adds an air of professionalism when you can whip out a business card and hand it to whomever happens to be in conversation with you.
But really, the big reason to be excited is because my business cards have the pretty new NDSU logo on them…and Mike’s do not. That means I’m cooler than him, right?
The poster session I didn’t attend October 24, 2011
Posted by mareserinitatis in papers, research, work.Tags: conference, logo, posters, research
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About two weeks ago, we were informed that a couple abstracts we’d submitted had been accepted for a poster session at a regional industry conference. Oh…and we had ten days to prepare the posters.
This was rather amusing as the information about the conference presentations had come out a couple weeks before, and until we received notice, there had been nothing indicating there was a poster session.
Sadly, the bulk of the preparation fell on the shoulders of one of my colleagues who is a mechanical engineer. While I was supposed to be responsible for one poster, I realized that half of what was on the poster was stuff that I couldn’t explain….at least not without making us all sound like idiots. I did, however, manage to conjure up some very pretty pictures of what we were doing. (And I was able to explain what I did, of course.)
When discussing these posters, I asked which logo we should use. We’ve had a couple different permutations over the years, and I wasn’t sure which one was in favor at the moment. It turned out that we had a new logo.
And a very bland one at that. So bland it was monochromatic…in greyscale.
When we put it on the poster, it was hardly noticeable under all the other info we were told to display by the conference organizers.
Nonetheless, the colleague who attended the conference said that some people did come and at least ask questions about our organization. I’m hoping the pretty pictures worked to attract their attention, but I have to give them credit for seeing the finer details.
And now I better get back to work as I just found out about a conference which would be perfect match for a paper I’ve been meaning to get out. Of course, the deadline is in one week.