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Not so wordless wednesday October 9, 2013

Posted by mareserinitatis in pets, photography.
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I know the premise behind wordless wednesday: just post a picture!  If there’s any text, it should be in the title, right?

I couldn’t do it today because this picture was so doggone (ha!) cute.  I had a couple possible titles, so I will give both to you as well as give you the opportunity to provide your own.

Here’s the picture:


I was originally going to title it, “The Grumpy Old Men club.”  Both Teradog and Macrocat are ‘old men’ and we frequently make jokes about Teradog’s barking being the equivalent of, “Get off my lawn, you kids!”  And Macrocat is slowly becoming senile, though we love him very much.

But looking at the picture again, I thought of a funnier title: “Macrocat teaches Teradog how to become Monorail Dog.”  But maybe that’s only funny if you like cat memes.

Anyway…if you have a better suggestion for a caption, I’d love to hear it.  In the meantime, I think that look means I better go scratch behind some fuzzy ears.  It’s funny how a mournful look and a scowl can mean exactly the same thing…


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