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Friday Fun: Long live the Queen July 19, 2013

Posted by mareserinitatis in Friday Fun, societal commentary.
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The Queen has signed onto marriage equality in England and Wales.

I'm not sure who came up with this image (I'd love to give credit), but I adore it.

I’m not sure who came up with this image (I’d love to give credit), but I adore it.

A reference to the Queen and gay people obviously leads me to think of Freddie Mercury.  (Am I right?)


I imagine he would be happy about the pronouncement, so to celebrate, I’m posting Queen videos today.

I did an informal poll on Facebook and Twitter of my friends’ favorite Queen songs.  I got about 18 responses with 20 songs, but there were two that were named repeatedly.

Everyone, of course, loves, Bohemian Rhapsody:

Although there were some people who prefer the Muppet version:

The definite favorite, however, was Under Pressure:

Personally, though, I was a bit disappointed that no one else shared my personal favorite:


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